> 文章列表 > 你是谁拜年的英文怎么说




1. The first day of the New Year. People start anew and visit their relatives and friends.

In English, the sentence can be translated as, \"The first day of the New Year. People refresh themselves and pay visits to their loved ones.\"



Wish you, your teachers, classmates, and friends a happy new year and successful academic achievements.

In English, the sentence can be translated as, \"Wishing you a joyful New Year and great success in your studies, dear classmates and friends.\"


May you be happy at the New Year!或者Happy New Year!希望能够帮到楼主

If you must ask a question, please ask: How do you say \"May you have a happy New Year\" in English? It\'s not... - ZOL Q&A

As for the translation, \"May you have a happy New Year!\" or \"Happy New Year!\" I hope this can be helpful to the original poster.


老外眼里一样 NEW YEAR spring festival 是农历春节,国外也一般叫Tet.

In English, \"元旦\" is translated as New Year\'s Day, and \"新年\" is translated as New Year. The festival \"春节\" is commonly known as Spring Festival or Tet in foreign countries.

According to foreigners, New Year\'s Day and the Spring Festival are different. The Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar and is also known as Tet. On the other hand, New Year\'s Day refers to the first day of the Gregorian calendar.


如果口语化一点的话可以这么说you are luckly today,it's chinese new year!.please enjoy it!.hope you got it! 如果口语。

If we want to make it more colloquial, we can say, \"You\'re lucky today, it\'s Chinese New Year! Please enjoy it! I hope you got it!\"

In English, the translation would be, \"Today is Chinese New Year! Wishing you a happy New Year!\"


traditional Chinese calendar;春节是为了庆祝农历新年的来临。Its to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year.扩展资料新月标志着农。

In English, \"农历\" is translated as the traditional Chinese calendar. \"春节\" is celebrated to mark the beginning of the lunar calendar\'s new year. The appearance of the new moon signifies the start of the agricultural calendar.

The lunar calendar is an important part of traditional Chinese culture and is used to determine the dates of festivals and holidays, such as the Spring Festival.


新年快乐和也祝你新年快乐 Happy new year and also wish you a happy New Year 新年快乐和也祝你新年快乐 Happy new year and also...

The English translation for both \"新年快乐\" and \"也祝你新年快乐\" is \"Happy New Year.\" Therefore, the complete sentence would be \"Happy New Year and also wish you a happy New Year.\"


过年我到你那白吃白吃那么4、5天. 不是不可能,是完全可能!在新的一年中,我想到你们家玩玩,在那过个四五天。在土耳其就不能到你家玩???那要飞机做什。

If I go to your place and celebrate the Chinese New Year with you for 4 or 5 days, it\'s not impossible, it\'s completely possible! In the new year, I would like to visit your house and spend four or five days there. Can\'t I visit you in Turkey? Then what\'s the point of taking a plane? - ZOL Q&A

If you have a Turkish friend and don\'t know their customs, you can still send them warm wishes for the New Year. You can say, \"I wish you a happy New Year! May your days be filled with joy, prosperity, and good health!\"


你是要春节的英语还是过春节的英语?一个是名词一个是动词春节:Spring Festival过春节:celebrate Spring Festival 你是要春节的英语还是过春节的英。

When you say \"过年的英语,\" do you mean the translation of \"春节\" or \"过春节\"? One is a noun and the other is a verb. \"春节\" is translated as Spring Festival, and \"过春节\" is translated as celebrate Spring Festival. So, please clarify whether you want the translation of \"春节\" or \"过春节\" in English.


我们去亲戚家拜年 We went to visit our relatives for the New Year.

If you want to say \"我们去亲戚家拜年\" in English, it can be translated as \"We went to visit our relatives for the New Year.\"